Sunday, 6 January 2008

Wherever I hang me knickers

"Homesickness" comes from Swiss dialect, expressing the longing for the mountains. In the 17th century, pining for their mountains, home and family when away, Swiss mercenaries introduced the word "homesick" to other European languages.

Later on homesick poetry came about. "Wherever I hang" is my example:

I leave me people, me land, me home
For reasons I not too sure
So I pick up me new-world-self
And come to this place call England
At first I feeling like I in a dream -
And is so I sending home photos of myself
I begin to change my calypso ways
Never visiting nobody
Before giving them clear warning
And waiting me turn in queue
Now, after all this time
I get accustom to de English life
But I still miss back-home side
To tell you de truth
I don't know really where I belaang
Wherever I hang me knickers - that's my home.

Brilliant line, but it doesn't work for me ;)

PS Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

David said...

Wow! Does that post ever hit home.
I wish I was as well spoken as you. You seem to be as smart as you are pretty, God was very generous.